Model of a little blue man to use for some animation ideas. The model is very tidy and around 12k polys with a turbo smooth and eyeballs. Practising with alot of rig tutorials with this toon, hope to have a storyboard/samples uploaded soon.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Work in progress...
Feeling that i need to put my money where my mouth is with regards to being able to paint, draw whatever i want and in differant styles. So here is my first experiment in Painter X using the artists oils.
Wanted a sense of depth to the picture, tempted to have him sat on an alien to give it a games type feel.
This is a completly from my minds eye painting, in an ideal world I would have a model, but we make do.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Another of the flash made Mafia Bunnies
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Another Mafiosa Rabbit, drawn in Flash.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Another of the gang, same again, drawn in Flash.
Another of the which ive not decided of a name yet.
Drawn again using Flash.
Brown Bunny Capone test...
Modifed the lighting to give a nice change in the tones (above).
Fixed the teeth, changed the name (felt was too close to a Bugs Bunny theme) and brought in some highlights.
All drawn in Flash
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Unfinished concept for a new toon idea, Bugsey Capone and his Gang, drawn in Flash.
Tempted to add highlights similar as on the gun. Not sure about the teeth, seem offset.