Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The short animation topic we where set for this brief "create an animation incorporating items we have learnt over the year, a possible portfolio piece.
It was the part of the comment of a possible portfolio piece that made me think as I created the monkey character firstly. No sooner had I reached a point of a model and was checking it over with Andy for comments, that I realised how badly modelled it was, despite not looking TOO bad.
So with the added guidance and knowledge of my errors I went back to my almost permanent home in front of 3dmax, and deleted my model and begun again, only this time with a minds eye focus on the creation and tidiness of the model and not just the looks. The result is as shown in the blog, a creation ten times better than anything I have done previously, combined with the confidence that I know I can do it again and even better still, progress further with it.

Its taken a year, but I think I am getting to grips with 3dmax now to be able to create as confidently as I would almost with a pen and paper... however Andy has mentioned he's switching to Maya with luck, so back I go to the tutorials and brain picking stage.

Maya here I come.

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