Saturday, May 10, 2008


The sixth and final asset for this research study is the emotion of happiness. The emotion of happy can be easily recognised from a 2D line drawing of a smiley face. However, I did not simply want to give the look of a smiling face. I tried in this asset to bring the whole face alive with the smile. I wanted the mood of the character to show without fail the emotion of happiness right from the onset, with such a strong representation that the audience may even mimic what they see.

In this model I brought the eyes to life with the eyelids and brows becoming unthreatening. The smile I felt should be an innocent smile (I did play around with more sinister smiles, but I felt the emotion then could be muddied with others). This representation needed to be pure and straight to the point simple…a happy face.

I felt the harder part of this emotion was how to show happy with the body. With the face itself being such a strong ambassador for the emotion, what does the body do when we are smiling? I settled on making the body unthreatening, and a welcoming pose.
I feel that in the case of Happy within 3D animation in relation to facial and body dynamics that this emotion will be a strong candidate for the face being able to stand alone in its message delivery. The body is not as striking as that all important smile.

The old asset for Happy (above).

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